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Boys Prep News

St Peter's Boys Prep 2016 Flexible Learning Programme (FLP)

April 01, 2016 | Academics | Cultural | Social and emotional | Catherine Steenhoff: Director Academics
We started our third Flexible Learning Programme (FLP) on Tuesday and once again the boys have been fully engaged. Every time we run these programmes we are amazed at the level of thinking and questioning from the boys. Again this week, boys have opted to stay in at break to work on…


March 07, 2016 | Academics | Social and emotional | Cara Eggett and Dave Hala (Directors of Pastoral Care)
Choice of high school has the potential to create much anxiety for parents. This becomes evident in the Grade 6 year where parents are making the final decisions and girls and boys attend interviews at the schools of their choice. In some cases parents place unnecessary pressure on their…

St Peter's Prep Schools - Understanding THRASS

February 12, 2016 | Academics | Kenda Melvill-Smith (Head :Boys JP) and Heather Kissack (Head: Girls JP)
THRASS stands for: Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills. This is the method we use at St Peter’s Prep Schools. We have recently run a parent workshop and have summarised the gist of how THRASS…

St Peter's Boys Grade 7 FLP

July 24, 2015 | Academics | Rebecca Govender
It has been interesting watching the boys develop their organisational skills this week. The variable nature of the activities enabled boys to focus on their interests for the most part. The boys were actively involved in researching, assimilation of information and the culmination of a set…