Boys Prep News

2019 Old Petrian's Water polo and Cricket Tournament
Old Petrian’s Water polo Girl’s Tournament Sunninghill - St Peter’s College will be hosting the 15th Annual Old Petrian’s Water Polo Tournament for girls as well as the 4th Annual Old Petrian T20 Cricket Festival. The tournaments will take place from Thursday, 21 February –…
St Peter’s Boys Prep Breaking ICE
I.C.E stands for Inquiry, Creativity and Experimenting. We decided on this name, as these are vital 21st Century skills for the boys to be exposed to and inquiry forms a big part of the curriculum. Incorporating the I.C.E programme at St Peter’s allows boys to be exposed to new…
St Peter's Boys Prep Enjoyed a MAD WEEK During MADD WEEK
This year’s MADD (Music Art Dance and Drama) Week was a huge success. All the boys participated in a number of exciting activities which included dancing, plays, art, chess cooking and House Choirs to name but a…