Boys Prep News

St Peter's Foundation Hosts the Story of My Father's Coat
On Tuesday evening 12 September, the Foundation hosted My Father’s Coat as a fundraiser for the Isematholeni Intern programme. The St Peter’s community gathered at St Peter’s College MADDitorium to listen to Michael Charton, founder of Inherit South Africa in Cape Town, tell a…
St Peter’s Prep Schools held a Year of the Woman event on Thursday, 3 August 2017 - as a culmination of the Diversity Committee’s dedication of 2017, to women. A plaque was unveiled, in the Chapel, and blessed to mark the celebration of women’s accomplishments. An explanation of the…
St Peter's Boys Prep Enjoyed MADD Week 2017
This MADD (Music, Art, Dance and Drama) Week has been a celebration of the Arts at St Peter’s Boys Prep…