Boys Prep News

St Peter's Transformation Message from the Rector
The spectre of racism, which arose so powerfully at the end of last year, constitutes a disheartening reminder of how little progress we have made in uniting as a nation since 1994. I often think that as South Africans, one of our most limiting characteristics is that we do not know how…
St Peter's Prep Schools Movie Night
The annual St Peter’s Movie Night took place on Saturday, 7 May under a glorious Autumn sky. Hundreds of children enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon of adventure as they bounced around, dived down, slid across and laughed on the 16 giant…
St Peter's Boys Prep 2016 Flexible Learning Programme (FLP)
We started our third Flexible Learning Programme (FLP) on Tuesday and once again the boys have been fully engaged. Every time we run these programmes we are amazed at the level of thinking and questioning from the boys. Again this week, boys have opted to stay in at break to work on…