Boys Prep News

Anybody can pick up a phone or a tablet these days and google ‘Easter’ to get the latest and greatest up-to-date trends and info. So to bore you with the facts that are already at your fingertips is a waste. You can find the meaning and a blow-by-blow description of each moment of the…
Choice of high school has the potential to create much anxiety for parents. This becomes evident in the Grade 6 year where parents are making the final decisions and girls and boys attend interviews at the schools of their choice. In some cases parents place unnecessary pressure on their…
St Peter's Boys Prep Pastoral Care – Peer Mediation
A peer mediation initiative was introduced in 2014 as part of the Grade 7 St Peter’s Individual Growth (SPIG) leadership programme. The goal of the mediation programme is to reduce conflict, creating a safer environment and to provide the Grade 7 boys with problem solving…