Parents' Association

New parents often feel apprehensive about getting involved, thinking their children, especially those in high school, do not want them around. This is not the case – the more involved you are, the closer you will be to your child and the more you will know about what is going on in his or her life. We encourage you to build relationships with the school and the parents of your child’s classmates and friends. There are a number of ways in which our parents get involved, mainly through the Parents’ Association (PA).
Derby Days
Saturday-morning Derby Days (inter-school sports days) have become a tradition at the college. The Parents’ Association committee co-ordinates the preparation of a smorgasbord of delicious food, including chicken prego rolls and boerewors rolls. This is where the volunteer database really earns its keep as we all get together and braai, prepare and serve our fare to keep everyone fuelled for the morning’s events. Visiting coaches are also treated to breakfast before the games and snacks afterwards. This is such good fun, and an excellent way to meet other parents and interact with the kids and their friends.
The Sports and Cultural Festival
The annual Sports and Cultural Festival is a huge highlight on our calendar and takes place in September. This event draws crowds of 3 500 people per day and is arguably the biggest school festival in the country, with participating schools from all over South Africa and neighbouring countries.
Our aim, other than to raise the money to cover the costs of this event, is to unite our students, coaches and parents, to create a truly festive occasion that will prove to be a highlight for all, and to add to the spirit of St Peter’s College.
Some of the participants come from underprivileged schools. The Parents’ Association sponsors these students with food on the three days of the festival. We also provide food for all the helpers, coaches, umpires, security guards and teachers who are involved.
The festival is the school’s biggest undertaking and takes months of planning and preparation. We welcome any support from parents, both in participating and in helping us find a major sponsor for this unique and truly South African event.
We also help out at the Art Exhibition by providing refreshments and sponsoring prizes for the art students in October each year.

Golf day
As a growing school there are many things that we would like to have, so we use the profits that we make in the school shop and from various other sources to fund projects. Our MySchool and Makro campaigns are well supported by our parents and raise funds without much effort.
Quiz night
This is another popular FUNdraiser that parents, students past and present enjoy.
Golf day

The St Peter’s annual golf day is usually a tremendous success and we generally attract upward of 22 four-balls. This event, traditionally held in March, is a great fundraiser and a good opportunity to dust off those clubs and challenge teachers and children to a fun day of sport.
We assist needy schools, institutions and families through school and Parents’ Association initiatives. To ease the plight of so many around us, these initiatives are set to increase.
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