Academic support and extension

St Peter's College offers extra academic lessons in Mathematics and Afrikaans as part of the standard extracurricular timetable. There are no additional costs for these lessons.
Our teachers are willing and available to assist your child in every area of learning. Encourage your child to ask subject teachers for assistance. Our teachers are happy to oblige any student who displays a willingness to improve his or her results.
Technology in schools
Technology can change the learning context from teacher-directed to student-centred activities, giving students more control of content, creating a more collaborative school culture, and providing different ways of accessing information and communicating with people. Students need to bring their own devices to school, for example, laptop, smart phone, iPad, tablet, etc. These devices are used to reference the internet for information and to log into our internal system where they may access information, worksheets, homework and test results, and interact with their peers and teachers in a constructive, controlled way.
Across the board, most students still prefer to use paper-based textbooks. We source our textbooks from reliable local and international suppliers. Textbooks are ordered through our school shop. We introduce e-textbooks as and when preferable.
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