
The white blazer: The highest academic, sport and cultural accolade
St Peter’s College attracts students with outstanding attributes in the areas of academic, sport and cultural achievement, and who display overall qualities of good citizenship and leadership.
Candidates must have submitted an enrolment application form and paid the R550 enrolment application fee in order to be considered for a scholarship. Applicants will be notified in January of their Grade 7 year that they may apply for a scholarship.
Application criteria are as follows:
1. Academic
- Scholarship candidates:
- Must have achieved at least 80% aggregate for their Grade 6 year.
- Will be invited by the College to write the scholarship examinations based on this report.
- Must have submitted an enrolment application form and paid the R550 enrolment application fee.
- Will need to maintain an aggregate of at least 75% annually in order to maintain their academic scholarship for the following year.
2. Sport
- Scholarship candidates:
- Must compete at provincial/regional level to be considered.
- Must submit a one-page CV detailing their achievements.
- Scholarships are only offered in sports that are offered at the College.
- The sport scholarship will be in effect so long as the student participates at a provincial, national or equivalent level.
- The candidate’s academic performance will be taken into account.
3. Cultural 1: Music
- Completion of a Grade 3 practical examination on an instrument of their choice.
- Completion of a Grade 3 theory of music examination.
- Participation in at least one music ensemble (eg. choir/orchestra/jazz band).
- Must submit a one-page CV detailing their achievements.
- Music scholarship recipients will be required to:
- Take music as a subject at Grade 10, 11 and 12 level (students may elect to discontinue their music studies in Grade 10, but this will result in the scholarship being withdrawn).
- Maintain an aggregate of at least 75% in Music in order to maintain their scholarship.
- Participate in at least two music ensembles.
- Perform at soirees and other music department events.
- A shortlist of applicants will be auditioned.
- We may contact the applicant’s music teacher for a reference.
4. Cultural 2: Visual Art
- In order to be eligible for a visual art scholarship, candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Submit a portfolio of their work.
- Provide their art teacher’s details to be contacted for a reference.
- A shortlist of applicants will be invited to complete a practical drawing exam.
- Visual Art scholarship recipients will be required to:
- Take Visual Art as a subject at Grade 10, 11 and 12 level (students may elect to discontinue their Visual Art studies in Grade 10, but this will result in the scholarship being withdrawn).
- Maintain an aggregate of at least 75% in Visual Art in order to maintain scholarship.
- Participate in College visual art exhibitions and the Art Task team.
5. Cultural 3: Drama
- In order to be eligible for a drama scholarship, candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Must submit a one-page CV of their work.
- Provide their drama teacher's details to be contacted for a reference.
- Drama scholarship recipients will be required to:
- Take Drama as a subject at Grade 10, 11 and 12 level (students may elect to discontinue their drama studies in Grade 10, but this will result in the scholarship being withdrawn).
- Maintain an aggregate of at least 75% in Drama in order to maintain scholarship.
- Participate in productions, eg. acting, directing, props, etc.
- A shortlist of applicants will be auditioned.
Criteria for entry
Applications for places at St Peter’s are oversubscribed, with almost double the number of children applying compared with places available.
We do not require a child to write an entrance examination to qualify for admission into St Peter's College. However, the child's school report is scrutinised and we request a confidential report and credit clearance from the child's primary/current school. Grade 8 applicants will need to pass Grade 7 and be the appropriate age to be considered for admission. We reserve the right to assess candidates for further clarification of ability if required eg. immigrants, homeschooled individulals. After reviewing the reports and feedback, we then schedule an interview for both child and parents with the College Headmaster.
Applicants moving from a learning assisted or home-schooled environment will need to supply a recent Educational Psychologist's report confirming they are ready to mainstream.
Places for Grade 8 are allocated on the following basis:
- Places are offered to siblings and graduates from the St Peter's Boys and Girls Prep schools first.
- Places are then offered in date order of application.
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