Girls Prep News

St Peter's Girls Prep launches Visible Learning Symbols
At last week’s Staff Development session, Pam van Gass, our Head of Academics, launched our new Visible Learning ‘feedback’ symbols. The images of a girl climbing a tree, have numerous relevant associations to our school, particularly in terms of the girls: taking on challenges and…
St Peter’s Prep Schools – Ahead of the Game, Behind Every Child
St Peter’s Boys Prep and Girls Prep Schools have been on a journey to ensure Inclusion is evident at every grade level. Within the academic curriculum, inclusion and embracing diversity has been essential in all the schools and is taught consciously. An awareness of social justice is…
St Peter’s culture of respect, openness and inclusivity prepares its students for life beyond school.
St Peter’s culture of respect, openness and inclusivity prepares its students for life beyond school. As an Anglican school, St Peters’ espouses Christian values in every facet of activity, with a deep-seated culture of respect across colour, creed and background as outlined in the…