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Girls Prep News

St Peter's Prep Schools - Understanding THRASS

February 12, 2016 | Academics | Kenda Melvill-Smith (Head :Boys JP) and Heather Kissack (Head: Girls JP)
THRASS stands for: Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills. This is the method we use at St Peter’s Prep Schools. We have recently run a parent workshop and have summarised the gist of how THRASS…

St Peter's Water Collection for Drought Stricken Communities

January 22, 2016 | Social and emotional
St Peter’s Prep Schools held a civvies day today and collected still water for charity as payment for wearing civvies.  Hundreds of bottles were donated and were collected this morning by H2O 4 Hooves and…

St Peter's Boys and Girls Combined Junior Prep Camp Out

October 07, 2015 | Social and emotional | Diane Fraser
The Junior Prep camp out took place in the third term of 2015. This was the first joint camp out with both the Boys Junior Prep and Girls Junior Prep families attending so it meant that both fields were full of tents and people.There was added excitement around the event as South Africa…


September 11, 2015 | Sport | Jean Macleod
St Peter’s School Foundation organised a Business Breakfast, on Thursday, 10 September - to mark the departure of the Springbok Team for the Rugby World Cup in England. The event was hosted by Darren Scott and the breakfast team from Hot 91.9FM and was broadcast live from the Royce…