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St Peter's Boys Prep Teachers - I Salute You

October 06, 2016 | Head | Rob Macaulay - Headmaster
I am writing this article on the morning of World Teachers’ Day: 5 October.  It is interesting to reflect on how the role of the teacher has changed in our modern world. Traditionally, the teacher has been the imparter of knowledge and skills aimed at preparing the child for a place in an…

St Peter's Old Boys Cricket Match

October 06, 2016 | David Wilson - Chairman of the Old Boys
After several Cataflams and Voltaren shots to the lower back, I have managed to recover somewhat to reflect on the Old Boys cricket event last Saturday. Following on from last year’s successful Old Boys game against the Goblins, this year we hosted another mighty cricket clash between…

Springboks coach kids at St Peter's College

September 30, 2016 | Sport
Some members of the Springbok rugby team traded in their match jerseys for coaching jerseys on Wednesday, 28 September 2016, as they took time to share some skills with possible future professional rugby…

Another White Blazer Achiever at the College

September 26, 2016 | Academics
Daniel Martin, Deputy Head Boy, was today presented with his White Blazer. This is the highest achievement attainable at the College and Daniel was awarded it for achieving full colours in Academics, Oratory, Drama, Newspaper and Chess. Well done…