Limited Spaces available in certain Grades, please go to Admissions Tab to apply


St Peter's Grade 6 JEFA Lego Workshop

July 14, 2015 | Academics
On Thursday, 9 July 2015, the St Peter’s Grade 6 Boys were visited by the Junior Engineers for Africa (JEFA). JEFA holds workshops to give the boys a basic introduction to technology, communication and engineering principles such as: structures, wheels and axles, levers, pulleys and gears…

Flexible Learning Programme

July 13, 2015 | Academics | Pam van Gass
The Flexible Learning Programme last week was introduced, in each grade, with a probing, investigative question which required a detailed response after the completion of the research and various…

White Blazer Achievers

June 23, 2015 | Academics | Theresa Monoyoudis
Congratulations to Roger Wyllie who was awarded a White Blazer on 17 April 2015. He joins Nicola MacLeod who achieved hers in January.  The White Blazer is the highest achievement at St Peter’s College. Recipients have achieved honours in academics, sport and cultural and have completed…

Thinking Skills morning at the prep

June 15, 2015 | Academics
The Thinking Skills open morning was well attended and parents enjoyed the opportunity to observe the children using numerous Thinking Skills tools and routines. Parents were given a brief overview of our Thinking Skills programme and then moved from class to class (from Grade 0 to 7)…