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St Peter's Boys Prep Teachers - I Salute You

October 06, 2016 | Head | Rob Macaulay - Headmaster
I am writing this article on the morning of World Teachers’ Day: 5 October.  It is interesting to reflect on how the role of the teacher has changed in our modern world. Traditionally, the teacher has been the imparter of knowledge and skills aimed at preparing the child for a place in an…

The Five Love Languages

March 03, 2016 | Head | Rob Macaulay - Headmaster
One of the presentations that our staff enjoyed at the beginning of the year was on “The Five Love Languages.”  This concept, which was introduced by Gary Chapman as far back as the 1990’s, still has relevance for both teachers and parents today.  The basic idea is that different…

St Peter's is Helping Grow Resilient Boys

February 25, 2016 | Head | Rob Macaulay - Headmaster
Education is as much about failure as it is about success. In order to achieve our goals we must suffer a degree of discomfort and we must “knock the bar down” before we jump over it. If this were not the case, our journey towards becoming better educated would simply be a rite of…


February 14, 2016 | Cultural | Head | Spiritual | Jean Macleod
A dignified and moving ceremony was held in the school Chapel on Friday, 12 February 2016, to mark the start of Darrel Webb’s career as Headmaster of St Peter’s Girls School. Bishop Steve Moreo presided over the ceremony as Darrel was ‘installed’ into his rightful place in the…