Limited Spaces available in certain Grades, please go to Admissions Tab to apply


Covid-19 update

February 01, 2021 | Covid-19 update
As we anticipate the return of our students to our beautiful campus, St Peter’s College COVID-19 Protocols remain in place. All our venues have been sanitized and have been set up to ensure effective teaching and learning under COVID-19 conditions. …

St Peter's College Junior Drama Club

February 01, 2021 | Cultural | St Peter's College Junior Drama Club
This term the Drama department has been doing things differently due to COVID-19. But no matter the circumstances, our Drama teachers always manage to pull through with their amazing creative ideas for us Drama…

Headmaster's Address

February 01, 2021 | Head | Headmaster's Address
What a year . . . 2020 was certainly one for the history books and I am sure that 2021 will be equally a fascinating year. During a similarly turbulent period in 1966, Robert Kennedy spoke in Cape Town, South Africa, about the dynamism of times like these. In his speech, he remarked:…

The Choluteca Bridge (The Bridge of The Rising Sun)

December 03, 2020 | Academics | Cultural | Head | Social and emotional | Spiritual | The Choluteca Bridge (The Bridge of The Rising Sun)
Have you heard of the Choluteca Bridge? I hadn’t either, until not so long ago. It’s a 484-metre-long bridge over the river Choluteca in Honduras, in Central America. A region was notorious for storms and hurricanes. So when they decided to build a new bridge over river Choluteca in…