
St Peter’s Boys Prep Siyanamukela to the FLP week
From 01 to 05 October the boys enjoyed their final FLP for 2018. These Flexible Learning Programmes just keep getting better and better! It is amazing what the boys learnt and the quality of their presentations is proof in itself. Here are the highlights of what the boys from Grade 4 to 7…
15th Annual Sports and Cultural Festival
The 15th annual St Peter’s College Sports and Cultural Festival is happening from Friday to Sunday, 14-16 September 2018. We look forward to welcoming over 3,000 students from 45 different schools to this hugely vibrant and fun event that we all look forward to every year. Not only are…
2019 Old Petrian's Water polo and Cricket Tournament
Old Petrian’s Water polo Girl’s Tournament Sunninghill - St Peter’s College will be hosting the 15th Annual Old Petrian’s Water Polo Tournament for girls as well as the 4th Annual Old Petrian T20 Cricket Festival. The tournaments will take place from Thursday, 21 February –…