
A Record, Seventh White Blazer Awarded
Well done to Adrian Diepeveen who was awarded his White Blazer at the Matric’s final assembly on 12 October 2017. This is the seventh White Blazer awarded this year - a record in the history of St Peter’s…
St Peter’s Boys Prep - Thinking Skills Open Morning 20 September 2017
On Wednesday morning, parents were invited to an open morning to see Thinking Skills in action. St Peter’s Prep Schools are one of the only schools who are “Thinking Skills Accredited” and we are known as a Thinking School. We wanted to share how the Thinking Tools are used throughout…
So much happens at the school and communication is typically topical and current. New parents would also be unaware of past efforts. Herewith an overview of the schools’ transformation initiatives over the last two decades and more, for your information. Please ‘Read More’ to see…