
St Peter's Girls Prep using Cultural programmes to build character, enhance creativity and promote inclusivity
At St Peter’s Girls Prep, a culture of cultivating a well–rounded learning experience means that the children have the advantage of an extensive performing arts department resource as part of the Academic programme. The programme includes Art, Drama, Dance and Music as well as a variety…
School Shop News
TEXTBOOKS FOR 2022 Please note that orders for textbooks are now closed. Textbooks will be distributed during the exam period in November. Any books that do not arrive in time when we distribute the bulk of the books, will be issued to the students in Term 1 of…
Cultural Programme- Term 3 2021
Cultural Programme for Term 3 2021 As a result of the relaxation of COVID-19 regulations and the green light to return to sport from the Department of Education, we are excited to return to sport and culture and intra and inter-school competition in Term 3. The Co-Curricular Programme has…