
St Peter's Boys Prep 2016 Flexible Learning Programme (FLP)
We started our third Flexible Learning Programme (FLP) on Tuesday and once again the boys have been fully engaged. Every time we run these programmes we are amazed at the level of thinking and questioning from the boys. Again this week, boys have opted to stay in at break to work on…
St Peter's Boys Prep Grandparents and Special Persons Tea
On Wednesday, 16 March our little boys in Gr 0 got to show off their new school to the special people in their lives. Grandparents travelled from far and near to be part of this exciting morning at St Peter’s and the boys spent many hours practicing their songs and creating artwork for…
Anybody can pick up a phone or a tablet these days and google ‘Easter’ to get the latest and greatest up-to-date trends and info. So to bore you with the facts that are already at your fingertips is a waste. You can find the meaning and a blow-by-blow description of each moment of the…