Conquering 2021; Celebrating Matric results at St Peter's College
Conquering 2021; Celebrating Matric results at St Peter's College
St Peter's College, Anglican Day School in Sandton, is once again celebrating the excellent results achieved by their Matric Class of 2021. Despite another tough year for students the world over, and for education overall, St Peter's College Matrics have come out on top.
"Our Matrics have conquered hurdles no one could have foreseen. They did not get to experience many of the milestones traditionally celebrated and enjoyed by Grade 12 students. They have lived through two pandemic years and had even more online teaching than the Grade 12s of 2020. Even with missed assessments being shifted, which placed them under greater pressure than usual, they have been truly resilient; showing extraordinary tenacity and a level of dedication that has made us really proud," says Mrs Shelly Matthews, Deputy Head of Academics at St Peter's College.
"We have had several personal losses at the school during 2021 and the school community has come together to be supportive. As a school family, we have realised the many blessings we have in our lives and that we cannot take anything for granted."
The 2021 matric results showed a marked upward trend from Preliminary Results to Finals, culminating in a 98% BD pass and some standout individual achievements. Notably, Yi Lou attained 100% for Mathematics, 94% for AP Physics (highest in the country) and 99% for Physical Science. However, the school is known for placing equal value on all students, immaterial of their academic ability.
St Peter's tagline, 'Ahead of the Game, Behind Every Child', encapsulates the school's culture of inclusivity and ethos around personal development. The College does not impose entrance exams or selection assessments on entrants, committing to working with students from all walks of life as evidenced by its comprehensive learning support programme and a philosophy focused on improving individual motivation towards autonomy, mastery and purpose.
At the heart of St Peter's educational journey, is a focus on preparing its students for the world they are entering and teaching them the coping mechanisms they require. In Matric, the Academic Assistance Programme assists students struggling with the academic demands of Grade 12, while extending academically strong students to achieve their potential. The support structure that enables St Peter's students to reach readiness is built to ensure that no child is left behind.
."Our holistic approach to education ensures that we produce a well-rounded student at the end of the five-year journey. The students are our focus, with Academic and Pastoral departments working together effectively to ensure that all decisions are made around what is best for the child. Our teachers are truly invested in the academic and emotional wellbeing of their students and form personal relationships with each individual," says Matthews. "The past two years of living through the pandemic have taught our teachers the value of flexibility while our students have learnt to embrace change as part and parcel of life. A great life lesson!"
The College salutes the achievements of the Class of 2021, both individually and as a group, and takes this opportunity to wish the graduates every success for the future.
"Just breathe. You are strong enough to handle your challenges, wise enough to find a solution and capable enough to do whatever needs to be done." (
Robyn D’Alessandro
Cell: +27 (0) 76 684 3376