Headmaster's Address

As we come to the end of another term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the progress we have made as a school community.
Firstly, I would like to commend our students on their hard work and dedication throughout the term. Your commitment to your education has been evident in your academic achievements and your participation in extracurricular activities. I am proud of each one of you for your unwavering dedication, resilience, and determination.
Also, I want to acknowledge the tireless efforts of our teachers and staff who have done an outstanding job creating a supportive and safe learning environment for our students, especially during challenging times. Your commitment to the students' welfare and your creative efforts to ensure that learning can continue amid the ever-evolving South African landscape has been commendable.
At the same time, as we move forward, I urge all of us to strive for continuous improvement. We should constantly seek ways to improve ourselves, our school, and our community. The spirit of learning should not be confined to the walls of our school but rather extended to our daily lives.
Furthermore, I want us to continue to emphasize the importance of collaborative learning, diversity, and inclusivity. We should cherish the unique qualities of individuals, celebrate differences, and work towards creating an inclusive and diverse community where everyone feels valued, included, and respected.
Staff Matters:
It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform you that both Mr Jeffrey Chimwanda (Mathematics) and alumnus, Dominique Gaydon-Pitts (Visual Arts) have resigned and will be leaving St Peter’s College at the end of Term 1. Both Jeffrey and Dominique are emigrating to the United Kingdom. We also take leave of Mrs Nicoleen Lehman who has been assisting the Afrikaans Department as a Locum.
Each term brings positive change. This includes a few additions to our staff. Jeffrey is replaced by Ms Ria Obermeyer a senior Mathematics teacher. Ria has already joined St Peter’s College as she has kindly stepped in to assist in Mrs Winnie Khanyile’s place as she recovers from a procedure. Ms Leska Mukwasa will be joining the Afrikaans Department at the start of Term 2 and we are looking forward to welcoming her to the college.
We also take this opportunity to welcome Ms Sasha Govender, our new Marketing Manager to St Peter’s College. Sasha replaces Mrs Nosipho Nkosi. Sasha brings with her a wealth of marketing knowledge having had stints in major firms but is also a qualified teacher.
Once again, St Peter’s College will be a hive of activity these holidays and I am deeply indebted to the many members of our staff who give their time so willingly to ensure that our students are the recipients of the many experiences on offer. During the April holidays, our students will have the opportunity to participate in a number of festivals, tours and clinics:
- Italy Cultural Exchange Tour
- Saints Sports Festival: Football and Netball
- Stanford Lake Rugby Tour
Perhaps the greatest success of the term, however, features very little within these pages. In conclusion, I am proud of the progress made this term and the spirit of community, resilience, and dedication that is evident in all of us. With that said, let us use this well-deserved break to refresh our minds and prepare ourselves for the next term.
Thank you and I wish you all a restful and safe break.
In Futurum Fortiter
Rui Morais