St Peter’s Boys Prep: Inquiry Based Learning and Using the Mind to Learn about the Body
The Grade 5 boys are learning about how the human body is made up of inter-connected systems.
They started off by assembling and labelling a large sized paper skeleton and by constructing a robotic hand which showed them how the body moves. They also watched an informative video which highlighted the important roles muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons have in the movement of the body.
To gain a better understanding of this concept, the boys put their new found knowledge to the test and dissected chicken feet in the science laboratory. They discovered that the muscles in a chicken are actually the meat that we eat. They also learnt that, by pulling on the tendons, they were able to make the chicken feet move!
The boys also learnt that most animals have these inter-connected parts and are now wanting to do further dissections and are curious to learn more about other body systems!
Learning through inquiry and practical tasks makes the process much more fun and the boys retain what they have learnt more so than if they just learnt the information from a textbook.