By Sarah Garrett
The 2020 Inter-house Gala started on a high, with each house being led into Wahoo, the venue of the day, with a chorus of war cries that echoed back overlapping each other. Soon thereafter the races began. As soon as the first people had dived into the pool, the stands erupted into a mixture of war cries and cheers for individual swimmers. The day progressed with many battles and unexpected alliances between houses, as well as a few records being broken. After all the relays had finished, the teachers and the students swam against each other. The students won - but only narrowly!
Prize-giving followed and, after individual winners were announced, it was time for the spirit cup, which was eagerly anticipated as nobody could tell who would win. Congratulations goes to Oriole for winning it. The final scores of the day were announced and Bishop won by over 300 points! A huge congratulations to Bishop, as well as everybody who swam or just cheered in the stands. The day is one that nobody will soon forget.