“Your best is good enough for us” – a refreshing take on the 2020 matric results from St Peter’s College.

In the flurry of excitement around the publishing of Matric results and the jostling of institutions to win the accolades associated with producing the most distinctions; the broader achievement is sometimes overlooked. St Peter’s College, an Anglican Day school in Sandton, Johannesburg, stands out in retaining a strong focus on the fundamentals of the educative process; that of ensuring that each graduate reaches his or her individual potential in a nurturing environment.
The school is once again celebrating a 100% Matric pass rate for 2020, with many students having achieved excellent pass rates. Amongst the school’s 2020 matric results are some standout achievements, Gathuku Matheri and Syjil Ramjuthan achieved 9 distinctions, Carl Vemer earned 8 distinctions, Jessica Goulding, Natalie Molenaar, and Kerryn Hayter received 7 distinctions and Aiden Enslin, Kayleigh Koekemoer, Laura Lyle and Ezra Vergotine attained 6 distinctions each.
“We extend our congratulations to our top academic achievers. They have made us very proud, “ says Mrs Shelly Matthews, Deputy Headmistress of Academics at St Peter’s College since 2011, “but St Peter’s ethos of ‘your best is good enough for us,’ means that we recognise EVERY learner for the tenacity they have shown during a year which has presented unprecedented challenges for all learners, and matriculants in particular.
We live our core values of Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience in the classroom and expect our students to do the same. So, in addition to all of our students successfully navigating the turbulence of 2020, we are particularly proud of those who have turned a possible failure into a success story; those who have been engaged in a programme of learner support and have still managed to pass their matric year successfully. We hold our students accountable, but we don’t feel that it is necessary to stress our students out for them to attain their potential. These are well-rounded, happy students who love coming to school. “
St Peters College is one of only a few independent schools with an enrolment programme that does not include selection assessments and entrance criteria. At the heart of St Peter's value system is a well-managed balance between academic achievement and sport, music, cultural, and spiritual personal development ensuring that students manage the demands and challenges of tertiary education very well with a very low dropout rate.
The College has a comprehensive Learning Support programme in place for those whose area of excellence is not academic, and some students are under the guidance of the learner support program for much of their High School Career. In Grades 8 and 9, they receive not only subject assistance but also support on organisational, study skills, and examination techniques. In their matric year, the Assisted Academic Programme entails weekly feedback sessions to monitor their progress.
“Our Pastoral Care Department strives to equip our students with the skill set to confront the societal and environmental challenges placed upon them. Helping every student fulfill their academic potential has always been a hallmark of our College, and progress and success are fundamental to what we do. While there is no guarantee that we will achieve a 100% pass rate, every time that we do, it is a blessing. We salute ALL of our matriculants on their success and are pleased that every single one of them has made it through this significant phase of their life journey to graduate with confidence, a belief in themselves, and a strong sense of self-worth.” says Mr Brian Armitage, Deputy Headmaster, Head of Student Affairs.
“Well done to our class of 2020! May the success that you have enjoyed today continue always. I hope you will be successful in whatever you choose to do,” concludes Mrs Matthews.