St Peter's College: Council Subcommittee

The Committee has a specific mandate to look into matters of racial, gender and other discrimination at the College. Its full terms of reference are available from any member or from the Committee Secretary, Mrs Nosipho Nkosi. The Committee will report back to Council within 30 days and does have the full support of Council, including delegated powers to deal appropriately with matters and to make recommendations on actions the College should take to avoid reoccurrences of unacceptable behaviour. These powers include disciplinary powers which may result in suspensions, expulsions and dismissals, reflecting the resolve of the Council to take decisive action.
The Committee will treat all submissions it receives confidentially.
Any member of the College community (students, staff and parents) from this and the previous five years, can make submissions.
Submissions can be made in writing or orally.
- Written submissions can be made to any Committee member or to either of the following email addresses:
- which will be forwarded to all Committee members;
- which will be forwarded to the Committee Chair and anonymised before being shared with other Committee members.
2. Oral submissions can be made by contacting the Committee Secretary and requesting time to address the Committee. The Committee has set aside Saturday, 13 June 2020 for the first videoconference serving this purpose.
Please send the email to to request the time for an oral submission.