St Peter's Girls Prep School Saving Our World
This week the Grade 7 girls launched SWAG which stands for Saving our World to Achieve Green in our school.
They challenged each girl from Grade 3 to 7 to take a pledge to:

Energy Consumption
- Turn off lights when they leave a room
- Commit to one ‘Earth Hour’ each weekend where she does not use any electricity or devices for an hour
Water Management
- Bring her own water bottle and to commit to not buying single-use water bottles
- Check and notify a teacher or SWAG Ambassador if they detect a leaking tap or hosepipe
Food Waste
- Not throw away uneaten or half eaten fruit but rather place them on one of the four new bird feeders in the playgrounds
- Reduce our food waste at Hot Lunch (we are currently throwing away 75l of food per week!)
The School has purchased Bokashi composting bins and will be placing waste food into these bins.
3 Rs (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle)
- Pick up one piece of litter at break
- Collect bottle caps and bread tags for the Sweetheart’s Foundation who provide wheelchairs to those in need.
The girls received a SWAG badge and became Young Change Activists of St Peter’s. We look forward to changing the world for the better, one step at a time!
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it” Robert Swan