St Peter's Grade 6 JEFA Lego Workshop
On Thursday, 9 July 2015, the Grade 6 Boys were visited by the Junior Engineers for Africa (JEFA). JEFA holds workshops to give the boys a basic introduction to technology, communication and engineering principles such as: structures, wheels and axles, levers, pulleys and gears using LEGO.
During the workshop, the boys learnt how to recognise the structures and forces which influence our lives. There was also a focus on thinking and problem solving skills. The boys explored some basic building techniques and built models from LEGO including a gearbox for an electronic car and a highest tower competition.
The day ended with a sensory integration session where the boys completed a brain building task, an interactive quiz and a Poi workshop.
This was ideal preparation for the Flexible Learning Programme (FLP) that the boys are currently completing this week as it has prepared them for the “Inventors and Inventions” theme.
Author: Monique Egbers