St Peter's Prep Schools Celebrating 22/2/22 The St Peter's Way
Today St Peter’s Preps Schools Celebrated Twosday. The date is 22/2/22.
This date can also be expressed as 22022022. This is both a palindrome and an ambigram. The date reads the same from left to right, from right to left AND upside down!
The children started their “Twosday” with a very special chapel service paying tribute to Desmond Tutu (7 October 1931 – 26 December 2021). New chapel collection bowls for each phase of the school were blessed in memory of Tutu.
An excerpt from the Sermon by Assistant Chaplain, Michael:
Desmond Tutu was an Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and probably most known for his fight against apartheid.
He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize which is awarded to those who contribute the most to humanity. He also received many other awards for being a human rights activist.
Tutu was also head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which investigated the human rights violations during apartheid and worked towards forgiveness and fixing relationships.
Tutu fought against other forms of oppression too, wherever there was hatred, violence, suffering, he spoke out. Tutu was a voice for the voiceless.
In South Africa, he spoke out against corruption, poverty and xenophobia. He also spoke out against foreign leaders such as Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe, he spoke out against the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and more.
It wasn’t just political leaders who Tutu spoke out against. He also spoke out against the Church. He fought for women’s rights and for the ordination of women in the Anglican Church.
He also campaigned for gay rights and spoke out against homophobia. He once said: “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place. I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this. I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid. For me, it is at the same level.”
Desmond Tutu truly loved all people and saw each person as someone having value. Tutu was a deeply spiritual person and really saw everyone as being children of God, created in the image of God.
My wish is that the life of Desmond Tutu will inspire you. When you go out into the world, treat those whom you encounter with love and respect, and as someone who has value. No one person is more important or more special than another. Let us be inspired by Desmond Tutu and spread love in the world and always fight for those who don’t know love.
It sounds strange even saying this because for me, it’s something we should be doing naturally but the world is a broken place and there’s still so much we get wrong and so we must keep working to make the world a better place.
Thank you to Desmond Tutu for making the world a better place.




There were many different activities across the schools and the grades from dressing up, games and academic puzzles all with TWO being the overarching theme.
The Pre-Prep children enjoyed a ‘Tea for Two’ where they shared an Oreo with their favourite teddy whilst wearing ties and tiaras!
The Grade 6 boys celebrated this significant day in a number of fun and exciting ways. The dress up theme was ‘Twinning Twosday’. They partnered up with a friend and had to coordinate their outfits to match so they looked like twins. The teachers joined in on the fun too.
The boys completed several Maths and English tasks, all around the number 2, such as:
- Write two sentences and use the words TWO, TO and TOO correctly.
- List 22 words that rhyme with the word TWO.
- Write an equation that equals 22 222.
These activities really stretched their brains and got them thinking!
Some boys played a Kahoot where the questions were based on various songs with numbers in them, and they had to perform calculations using the numbers they heard.
The children also enjoyed some paired reading time where they shared with their partner what library book they were reading and what they were enjoying about their book.
The Grade 5 boys were even rapping about 22/2/22 and Desmond Tutu.
The Middle school created designs with 22 blocks, cups, matches and shapes and wow they were creative!
The Girls JP dressed up in Tutu’s for the occasion. The Grade 1 girls enjoyed frog jumps while counting in 2s. The Grade 2 girls competed in a fun 2-minute challenge.
The Grade 3 girls made paper aeroplanes in STEM to see if they could fly them off the balcony for 22m. While the Grade 4 girls learnt all about palindromes and shared a ‘twin’ accessory with a friend.
The Grade 6 girls completed two themed puzzles and wrote a comprehension on Desmond Tutu.
The Grade 7 girls competed in a paper design challenge where they had to build the tallest paper tower that could support a 500ml water bottle for at least two minutes!
The JP boys dressed up in pairs and prepared many activites including tracing and painting number twos and making ‘twos crowns’ and reading ‘twogether’.
It has been a very busy but happy day, filled with lots of laughter and learning – Happy Twosday!