St Peter's Prep Schools Winter Warmers Warms Hearts
As dawn breaks on Saturday, 22 June, our school starts to come alive with the familiar hustle and bustle of a St Peter’s ‘get-together’. It’s only been 24 hours since the winter solstice and already the blue skies and balmy sunshine seem to indicate the approach of summer.

Winter Warmers, is one of many St Peter’s Prep social events and a firm favourite for a relaxed afternoon of chilled chit-chat with other families. What could be more pleasant than to park off in the hazy lazy sunshine, on picnic blankets dotted around the field, enjoying great tunes and yummy food options whilst our children enjoy a multitude of exhilarating inflatables with their chums? Win, Win!

Arguably, the highlight of the event is the performance, by the Grade 7 bands namely Legacy and FJC, whose vocal abilities and chutzpah on stage, inspire a legion of proud fans - young and old. It not only showcases their vocal talents but importantly gives them a platform to express themselves in front of a hugely receptive audience. Talent obviously runs in families as our MC and ‘greatest showman’ Robbie Grota adds some star quality to the continuity of the proceedings.
Congratulations to all the prize winners! The Lucky Draw and raffle prizes are only made possible by the parents and their network of contacts offering weekends away at The Cavern, Makalali Game Reserve, Fire and Ice Hotel, Land Rover driving experiences, Barnyard Theatre tickets, judo and tennis lessons, a Lasertag party and the kids favourite… a six-month supply of doughnuts ... Thanks to all the generous sponsors.
Huge thanks must go to the PA, WW committee volunteers, interns, teachers and ground staff, who all freely give their time to make sure this fundraising event is a success.
And so . . . as the sun sets and the shadows lengthen on the Mvukuzane Field, we, as a St Peter’s community, head home with our hearts happy and warmed by this annual winter social, feeling incredibly blessed to belong to this wonderful school.