St Peter’s School Catering is Delicious
Did you know … St Peter’s Catering Department, consisting of 13 staff members, provides 900 lunches daily. It caters for the Boys Prep, Girls Prep, College and Afterschool Facility. The preparation and serving of food to such a wide spectrum of students can be challenging!
Services provided by the kitchen, besides lunches, are to support school functions including sports teas and weekend sporting event catering. Visitors often compliment the Catering Department on the wonderful displays and variety of snacks and treats offered.

St Peter's Efficient and Friendly Catering Department
Termly menus work on a six-week cycle and are displayed on the School Communicator. Sharon Rabilal and Valarie Kariwo plan the termly Hot Lunch menus to ensure that they provide one third of a child’s intake as advised by a dietician.
Our Hot Lunch plan also includes a break-time sandwich or treat and a juice or water. There is also a mid-afternoon snack comprising of a fruit with juice or water.
The kitchen is frequently inspected by the Health Department from which it has always received exceptional reports regarding hygiene, food storage etc.
Not only is the food healthy, well-balanced, nutritious and filling but it is delicious too!