Community Partnerships

Growing servant leaders within our St Peter’s family to uplift our community for their Big Futures.
The aim of this programme is to meaningfully engage with our partner school, with a focus on education and development, and to awaken the spirit of giving in our children. We believe that continuous, meaningful engagement with the community will educate and shape our children to serve society.
We have chosen Sefikeng Primary as our partner school. It is a non-fee paying, under-resourced school located within the Leeukop Prison grounds. We have developed a partnership with Read for Africa to develop and support the literacy skills of the children at Sefikeng from Grade 0 to 3.

The Foundation Phase at Sefikeng is receiving support in literacy skills in numerous ways, through weekly lessons run by the Big Futures Teacher Interns, buddy reading with the St Peter’s Prep Grade 6 and 7 children and fun weekly lessons with a team of volunteer parents.
In order to evaluate impact, the children’s reading ability is assessed twice annually and to date, assessments have shown a marked increase in ability.
All donations received for this project fund the actual costs of the programme, the training of the teachers at Sefikeng, all relevant teaching aids and materials, as well as any joint outings our children undertake with their children.
All of our St Peter’s pupils engage with their community from Grade 0 to Grade 7, in various age-appropriate activities.
Any contributions into the Community Partnership Fund are managed by the St Peter's Foundation, and would earn a full BEE or CSI allocation.
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