Parents' Association
The St Peter’s Prep Schools Parents’ Association (PA) comprises of the entire parent body of the Boys Prep School, the Girls Prep School and the Pre-Prep School. It is represented by a committee of volunteer parents who are elected annually. The aim of the PA Committee is to build our parent community and to provide positive support to our School. The PA has 2 representatives, that have voting rights, on the School Council.
Various events and initiatives are organised by the event sub-committees of the PA throughout the year. Typical examples of our “Fun”raising social events include:
- The Staff Variety Show, which showcases the talents of our incredible staff
- Ladies Lunch
- Winter Warmers
- Movie Night
- Carnival
- The Annual St Peter’s Prep Schools Golf Day and
- The St Peter’s Family Soccer Fun Day, which is a fun afternoon involving children and parents participating in friendly soccer matches and socialising.
Participation by all is actively encouraged.

Other fundraising initiatives of the PA include:
- The School Shop and the Second Hand Shop;
- MySchool card and Makro card reward programmes;
- The weekly St Peter’s classifieds advertisement leaflet;
- Hotdog days; and
- Leaver’s plaques

Staff members participating in the Staff Variety show
The Communications Committee (CC) is the ‘backbone’ or ‘heart’ of the PA. Each phase of the School has its own CC. The main role of the CC is to manage the class representatives (class reps), who play the crucial role of liaison between the parents and the teacher/the School. The class reps play a vital role in building our community by arranging class/grade social gatherings and they generally facilitate the social involvement of the parent body which St Peter’s Prep School is renowned for. The class reps also assist in the recruitment of volunteers for various School and PA events and initiatives.
In promoting the interests of the school and to assist in upgrading the school facilities, the PA has been responsible for many additions and improvements to the School campus over the years, which include:
- The School Shop
- The Second Hand Shop
- Pre-Prep outdoor furniture and kitchen equipment
- The Keys Pavilion
- The Mvukuzane Pavilion
- Cricket nets
- Seating and shading around both swimming pools and various sports fields
- Royce Hall Kitchen
- Sound and equipment in the Royce Hall
- Chapel screens
- Golf carts for use by the sports and catering staff across the campus
- Traffic lights on Witkoppen Rd
- Agility wall and slide at the Boys Junior Prep
- Treehouse and slide at the Girls Junior Prep
- 50% of both multi-purpose sports facilities
The PA also sponsors the sports teas for parents and refreshments for the players at all of the inter-house and inter-school fixtures which are hosted at School; as well as the catering for most parent functions, using the PA levies and other funds raised.
In building our community the St Peter’s Prep Schools PA collaborates with the Transformation / Inclusion Committee to:
- Ensure a broader involvement of ALL St Peter’s parents in the PA roles;
- Encourage ALL the St Peter’s parents to participate in all the School activities; and
- Ensure that all the PA events cater for the entire St Peter’s Prep School community.
The PA Committee supports the Schools Foundation’s Social Responsibility Programme. Every year the PA donates 15% of its annual net surplus as well as all the net income made from the Second Hand Shop to the Foundation. The donations are used by the Foundation towards the community outreach programme with Sefikeng School as well as the Intern Programme.
We encourage and invite all parents to volunteer and become active participants in the numerous portfolios, events and initiatives at St Peter’s Prep Schools. PA Committee members are elected at the PA AGM, which is traditionally held in the first term. Parents who are interested in joining the PA Committee or becoming involved in the various portfolios within the PA should do so via the annual PA google volunteer form or contact the Secretary or the Vice-Chair or the Chairperson, via the school office.
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