The Grade 2 Year
Grade 2 is more formal and structured than Grade 1 but the emphasis remains to be fun and interest driven. The focus in the third term is to prepare the boys for their journey into Grade 3.
In Grade 2, pupils build on the basic skills acquired in Grade 1, strengthening and developing these skills through application and extension. It is a year that bridges the gap between the Junior Prep and the Middle School. It is therefore necessary at this stage to nurture a sense of independence and responsibility.

Home learning
Grade 2 pupils are expected to do specific tasks daily, in accordance with the School Policy. If involved in a project, your child will benefit from your interest and encouragement. Please ensure, however, that pupils complete tasks on their own, thus gaining as much as possible from the learning experience.
Units of Inquiry
Much of the teaching is done through integrated lessons and the pupils will enjoy fascinating outings and visitors. Afrikaans, IsiZulu, Library, EdTech, Music and Physical Education lessons are all included in the Grade 2 programme.
When a new Unit is introduced to the class, we explore what the boys "know" about that topic and what they "would like to know". This directs the learning in each of the classrooms. A "Big Question" is formulated and the boys work towards an answer as a class in small groups and individually through discussion, exploration and investigation. Units are chosen according to interest or current events to maintain intrinsic motivation.
S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mechanics) using the "Maker-Space" encourages innovation, creative thinking, entrepreneurial and problem solving. Lego kits, science experiments and iPads are used as part of this process as we prepare the boys for their futures.
Extension and inclusion
Each child is encouraged to achieve their own full potential and staff members go to great lengths to provide extension activities in class for those who need them. Group rotation and collaboration play an important role to ensure that every boy's needs are met.
The school also offers academic support to boys who need to consolidate skills. Language enrichment plays an important role in learning. Children who struggle with the English language are given the opportunity to develop vocabulary and comprehension in a fun, informal manner.
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- The Grade 2 year