College News

2023 Greece Challenger Expedition

December 07, 2022 | Cultural | Sport | 2023 Greece Challenger Expedition
You may have missed the parents presentation for the GVI GREECE CHALLENGER launch that will be taking place in the August holidays 2023. GVI was established in 1998 and operates award-winning International Internships and Service Learning programmes focused around global issues and framed…

Sport news

December 07, 2022 | Cultural | Sport | Sport news
1. At the recent St Peter’s College Sport & Cultural Festival our sport teams participated and achieved the following…

What's in the Name?

August 05, 2022 | Cultural | Grounds | Physical education | Spiritual | Sport | Whats in the Name?
Naming a school facility is an important matter that deserves thoughtful attention. Personal prejudice or favouritism, political pressure, or temporary popularity should not influence choosing a name for a school, a portion of a school, or school grounds. Wherever possible, the wishes of…

Headmaster’s Address Term 2 2022

August 05, 2022 | Academics | Cultural | Grounds | Head | Physical education | Social and emotional | Social responsibility | Spiritual | Sport | Headmaster’s Address Term 2 2022
The design of the St Peter’s College campus revolves around a series of focal points to support our holistic learning philosophy - a green, sustainable urban environment, an open and conducive learning community and a reflection of shared values of community and culture. We offer an…