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Week Three St Peter’s College Co-Curricular Online Information

May 18, 2020 | Cultural | Sport | Week Three St Peter’s College Co-Curricular Online Information
Can you believe we are in the third week on the online programme for Co-Curricular activities at St Peter’s already? It is quite incredible how human beings, particularly young people, are embracing challenges and a new way of doing things! I want to salute our students that have…

Welcome to the Believe Perform Platform

May 13, 2020 | Sport | Welcome to the Believe Perform Platform
Welcome to the Believe Perform Platform - The world’s leading source of performance psychology, well-being, and mental health content for the sports community. Please find a welcome video from Duncan Woods who is the Director of Planet K2 (South Africa)…

The Matric year of 2020 signifies a challenge for us as a St Peter’s College community.

April 22, 2020 | Academics | The Matric year of 2020 signifies a challenge for us as a St Peter’s College community.
The Matric year of 2020 signifies a challenge for us as a St Peter’s College community. You might be feeling stressed and overwhelmed, but before you know it, the end of the year and the Matric Final Examinations will be upon us. St Peter’s College challenges you to give it everything…

St Peter's College Online Teaching

April 21, 2020 | Academics | St Peter's College Online Teaching
The Lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been an opportunity for St Peter’s College to embrace online learning. I want to thank our Deputy Headmistress of Academics, Mrs Shelly Matthews, as well as, our Director of Learning Technology, Mr Steve Tudhope for driving the online…