Limited Spaces available in certain Grades, please go to Admissions Tab to apply


St Peter's Prep Schools - Understanding THRASS

February 12, 2016 | Academics | Kenda Melvill-Smith (Head :Boys JP) and Heather Kissack (Head: Girls JP)
THRASS stands for: Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills. This is the method we use at St Peter’s Prep Schools. We have recently run a parent workshop and have summarised the gist of how THRASS…


February 08, 2016 | Physical education | Sport | Liz Ashmore (Director of Sport)
We have a mantra in the Sports Department which we often ask the girls to repeat: ‘Do YOUR best!’ This motto speaks to our philosophy of ensuring that every girl becomes the very best version of herself possible. From Grade 0 to Grade 7, our focus in every sport is very much ‘skills…

Physical Education at St Peter's Boys Prep

February 04, 2016 | Physical education | Barry Detert - Director of Sport
In physical education, the focus is on movement and its contribution to the development of individuals. By learning in, through, and about movement, boys gain an understanding that movement is integral to human expression and that it can contribute to boy’s pleasure and enhance their…

St Peter's Boys Prep Pastoral Care – Peer Mediation

January 25, 2016 | Social and emotional | Dave Hala (Director of Pastoral Care and Deputy Head)
A peer mediation initiative was introduced in 2014 as part of the Grade 7 St Peter’s Individual Growth (SPIG) leadership programme. The goal of the mediation programme is to reduce conflict, creating a safer environment and to provide the Grade 7 boys with problem solving…