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St Peter's Prep Schools Celebrating 22/2/22 The St Peter's Way

Today St Peter’s Preps Schools Celebrated Twosday. The date is 22/2/22. This date can also be expressed as 22022022. This is both a palindrome and an ambigram. The date reads the same from left to right, from right to left AND upside down! The children started their “Twosday” with a…

St Peter's Prep Schools is a Positive Education Environment

February 08, 2022 | Academics | Erica Faul
St Peter’s is embarking on an exciting journey to implement positive education lessons into our curriculum in order to ensure that our children feel truly seen, heard and valued for their uniqueness. Of all the heartbreaking effects of Covid-19, the way in which it has impacted our youth…

St Peter's Schools - Monastic vs Co-ed on the educational journey

August 03, 2021 | Academics | Cultural | Physical education | Social and emotional | Spiritual | Sport | Robyn D'Alessandro - Independent Journalist
St Peter’s Prep Schools are monastic, with both Girls and Boys Prep schools, while from Grade 8, St Peter’s College becomes co-ed. Prospective parents often ask why the lower and higher grades are schooled differently and whether one or the other model is more beneficial. In truth, despite…

Quality Schooling is an Investment into Your Child's Future

The dilemma for parents around where their children will receive the best possible education starts as early as the first few months of a child’s life. Registering your child and managing their educational journey become a primary concern for parents searching for the optimal schooling…