
St Peter's Boys Prep Pastoral Care – Peer Mediation
A peer mediation initiative was introduced in 2014 as part of the Grade 7 St Peter’s Individual Growth (SPIG) leadership programme. The goal of the mediation programme is to reduce conflict, creating a safer environment and to provide the Grade 7 boys with problem solving…
St Peter's Water Collection for Drought Stricken Communities
St Peter’s Prep Schools held a civvies day today and collected still water for charity as payment for wearing civvies. Hundreds of bottles were donated and were collected this morning by H2O 4 Hooves and…
St Peter's Boys and Girls Combined Junior Prep Camp Out
The Junior Prep camp out took place in the third term of 2015. This was the first joint camp out with both the Boys Junior Prep and Girls Junior Prep families attending so it meant that both fields were full of tents and people.There was added excitement around the event as South Africa…