College News

Gwyn Zimmerman appointed as Head of Cross Curricular Studies.
Gwyneth Zimmerman is a veteran teacher of 28 years. She has taught Physical Science, Geography and Life Sciences and just to keep things interesting she dabbled in Mathematics. Gwyneth has always been a lifelong student and refuses to let the grass grow under her feet. She completed her…
Crystal Miles appointed HOD of Creative Arts
In the Creative Arts, we are in the business of ensuring that children retain and cultivate their natural creativity and artistry. Creativity, imagination, and the ability to adapt are fast becoming the most important skills for the future, for no one can say what the future will look…
St Peter’s College boasts a number of Creative Writing stars
St Peter’s College boasts a number of Creative Writing stars. Four such students entered the SACEE Creative Writing for Secondary Schools Competition in August and they excelled in their respective categories.…