College News

Covid-19 update

March 30, 2020 | St Peter's College - Covid-19 update
The school’s enforced period of closure - and the extraordinary circumstances that have brought this about - brings a great sense of sadness, uncertainty, and concern for us all. St Peter’s College, however, is an incredibly optimistic place. Despite this being a very trying time, it has…

Sports: An incredible start to Term 1, 2020

February 27, 2020 | Sport | Sports: An incredible start to Term 1, 2020
I am so proud of our students who have given everything on the sports fields, courts and pools this term. It has been remarkable to see them all make an impact. We are extremely excited for half-term, where we will be hosting the Old Petrian’s Girls Water Polo and T20 Cricket…

St Peter's College 16th Annual Sports and Cultural Festival

September 10, 2019 | Cultural | Sport | St Peter's College 16th Annual Sports and Cultural Festival
The 16th annual St Peter’s College Sports and Cultural Festival is happening from Thursday to Sunday, 19 - 22 September 2019. We look forward to welcoming over 3,000 students from different schools to this hugely vibrant and fun event that we all look forward to every…

St Peter's College Drama: The Intern by Ntando Mabuya

June 11, 2019 | Cultural | St Peter's College Drama: The Intern by Ntando Mabuya
The story is of a young intern, Emily, who joins an office in which her colleagues work the same robotic day over and over without ever having met the boss; this symbolizes how people blindly follow a religion. Emily questions her workplace’s reality and the boss’ very existence.…