
Pupils at St Peter’s are exposed to a variety of cultural activities. These may include performances by visiting actors, puppeteers or musicians. Pupils are also taken to the theatre.
Drama is considered an integral part of our education programme and pupils have opportunities to participate in productions.
Each term the teachers plan outings for their classes. These often relate to a theme, for example, pupils might get to visit the Exploratorium during Science Week. These outings are both enjoyable and educational, and help to develop a sense of independence in the Junior Prep child.

Music is a vital part of the curriculum.
The Grade 0 – 2 music programme includes: singing, movement, instrumental and music appreciation activities.
Through experiential learning, the children gain a knowledge of the basic musical principles.
In Grade 2, the pupils continue this learning as well as having recorder lessons and specialist group classes, in which pupils experience violin, percussion and creative movement - rotated over the three terms.
Extra individual lessons in the following instruments are available at school: Piano, Cello, Violin, Guitar, Recorder, Flute, Voice, Saxophone, Drums.
Parents of interested girls should follow the link to the school’s Online Application Form. Once the form has been received by the Music Department, lessons are arranged - with the respective individual teacher, who will then place the pupil for lessons. This arrangement is space dependent. We do not encourage pupils in Grade 0 to begin individual lessons.
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