
St Peter’s celebrates its heritage as an Anglican Church school. Our faith fills every aspect of who we are: we begin our day with prayer and scripture and then, with the renewed strength of Christ, we face the challenges of the day. Our focus is on ethics and values that have been passed down through our traditions. Our ethos is rooted in 'family' where everyone belongs – this is central to our philosophy.

Each person is celebrated as being a miracle and uniquely special. Christ creates a diversity of talents in His children and it is the responsibility of the individual to nurture God’s vision for that life. At St Peter’s we strive to identify strengths, encourage and grow aptitudes and then celebrate achievements.
Character is our cornerstone. We strive to enable children to realise that their worth lies in who they are and not what they have. St Peter, our patron saint, was a simple fisherman, yet his character led him to be one of the most influential people this world has ever seen. We aim to grow significant people with substance and integrity.
We constantly lay emphasis on the fact that we are privileged. This fact is not our right. Thus it is important that each year every child interacts with, and in some way adds value to, someone who is less privileged. Through this we attempt to instil in the children an attitude of gratitude and the fundamentals of 'giving back'.
And so to each St Peter’s family we say, 'Welcome to the family, we're glad that you have come to share your life with us.'
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