The Grade 1 Year
The Grade 1 Year
In Grade 1 there is an emphasis on formal Literacy and Numeracy and learning takes place through an Inquiry based approach.
Perceptual development
The pupils continue to learn through experience. They advance from the known to the unknown by using as many familiar situations as possible. The school expands upon the Perceptual Programme that is started in Grade 0. Individual needs are taken into account – some pupils may need to complete more perceptual exercises than others.

Language and Literacy Development
During this year, pupils will learn to read formally and create their own written stories. St Peter’s draws from a variety of Literacy programmes to ensure a well-rounded approach in phonics. Time2Read is one of the programmes used, specifically for coding and manipulating words for spelling. In order to cater for individual differences, a variety of reading materials are used. Each pupil progresses at his or her own rate using this eclectic approach.
Mathematical Development
Most new concepts are introduced through problem-solving and exploratory, investigative learning. Pupils are expected to recognise and be able to manipulate numbers. The children work in different number ranges and are given differentiated tasks depending on their competence levels.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)
The school exposes the pupils to different media and materials to encourage creativity and innovation. They work in groups or individually and are encouraged to paint, draw, design and construct.
Creative development
The school exposes pupils to different media and materials during creative lessons. They work in groups or individually and are encouraged to paint, draw, design and construct.
In order to develop co-operative learning social skills, and to cater for different abilities and learning styles, the pupils often work in groups. These groups may be randomly formed or according to more specific criteria.
Physical development
Large muscle development, which supports optimal learning, is supported during Physical Education lessons. Writing, cutting, pasting, finger rhymes and finger exercises help to develop fine-motor co-ordination.
Music, Enrichment, Afrikaans, Library periods and Zulu are also part of the Grade 1 curriculum.
In Grade 1 independence is encouraged:
- During the course of the year your child should be encouraged to walk from the car park to the classroom independently
- Pupils must take care of their possessions and ensure that they take their reading pockets home every day
- Some messages will be sent home verbally in an effort to improve memory in preparation for Grade 2
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