
St Peter's Boys Prep - FLP Week Grade 3
This week, at St Peter’s Boys Prep, we are immersed in the Flexible Learning Programme (FLP). The first FLP week was introduced earlier this year when parents could not get their children to school due to the Witkoppen roadworks. This round is however taking place at school, but includes…
St Peter's Grade 6 JEFA Lego Workshop
On Thursday, 9 July 2015, the St Peter’s Grade 6 Boys were visited by the Junior Engineers for Africa (JEFA). JEFA holds workshops to give the boys a basic introduction to technology, communication and engineering principles such as: structures, wheels and axles, levers, pulleys and gears…
Flexible Learning Programme
The Flexible Learning Programme last week was introduced, in each grade, with a probing, investigative question which required a detailed response after the completion of the research and various…